Thursday, 13 October 2011

Finishing Acceleration of Everyday Objects Activity

We began class by reading and summerizing our articles. The article focused on a newly made carbon that can withstand as much pressure, if not more, than a diamond

We then continued our Acceleration of Everyday Objects activity sheet that we started last class. The first activity we did today involved playing cards and the rate they fell at. We learnt that two playing cards will fall at the same rate because the air resistance on each card is the same. However, when we did the same activity with a playing card and a coin, the coin fell at a faster rate. This is because that while it still had air resistance acting on it, the coins weight or mass overcame the air resistance. The playing card "fluttered" because the air resistance was greater than its weight or mass.

The next activity we did was with a text book and peice of paper. When dropped at seperately, the paper fell at a slower rate than the text book. This is because the air resistance on teh book was overpowered by the books weight. The papers weight, however, did not overcome the air resistance acting on it, causing it to fall at a slower rate. When we tried the same procedure with the paper placed on top of rthe book our results changed. The paper and book fell at the same rate. This is because the book blocked the air resistance from the paper, so the area between the book and paper was similar to a vacuum. A vacuum has no air resistance in it, so objects will fall at the same rate.

We ended class by getting in our groups for our Motion Technology project. We planned what we will do tomorow (or today) to begin our projects.

Next is Melanie.

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