Sunday 30 October 2011

Finishing Running Experiment

After doing the science article as usual, we finished filling in the chart for the experiment we began on Wednesday. This experiment was of three people running at different times, and someone recording their time at 25 metres, 50 metres, 75 metres, and 100 metres.

We then went over the expectations for the blog posts, and got our new assignment for the November articles.

After discussing that, we then went back to the sheets with the runners time on it. We had to find the average speed at the distance intervals, and then the overall average speed. To find the average speed we used the formula V=d/t, we rounded to two significant digits and put the results in metres/second. To find the overall average speed we added up all the times for one runner, and then divided that total number by the amount of numbers we had to find the results. We did this for all three runners, and then went over the answers as a class and made sure everyone understood how to get those answers.

Next is Jade.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Running Experiment

Today in Science we did our article as per usual.

we then discussed a experiment as it was a half day in which we would have three runners and people timing at different intervals such as 25m 50m 75m and one person at the start or 0m and on at the end or 100m to time the entire experiment.

We then wrote down our results of the experiment on a sheet we recieved from Mr.Banow.

Next is Amanda

Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration

We started off the class today by doing a journal called "Humans like to work together in solving tasks, Chimps dont". Once we were done that, we talked about the concept of velocity. We also explained the difference between velocity and speed. After we were done with that, you handed out the veolcity and acceleration quiz. We all corrected someone else's sheet. This took up most of the class. When we were done correcting, we looked at a sheet called speed, veolicty, and acceleration. On this sheet there were graphs, we looked at example 1 and described all the parts to it. After that, you told us to do the next two examples by ourselves.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Speed, Velocity and Acceleration

Today we started out by summarizing a science article about the possible trigger for volcanic super-eruptions. It turns out that when the volcano heats up, the rock above expands and makes cracks on the surface of the rock. As the volcano get hotter the deeper the rock cracks. When the cracks get deep enough to expose the magma chamber thats when the volcano erupts.

Next we finished our articles we got a new seating arrangement. We all went and stood at the back of the room and when he called your name and said the table number thats where you sat. To determine where some one sits Mr.Banow pulls a number out of a jar.

After we got our new seating arrangement we discussed what we worked on last week. Last week we were working on Acceleration of everyday objects. After we were done discussing what we learned we did a couple questions off the smart board for hand in.

We also got a new hand out today about Speed, velocity and acceleration. We discussed and went through the first page. The last thing we did was work on 4 questions on the 3rd page.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Finishing Acceleration of Everyday Objects Activity

We began class by reading and summerizing our articles. The article focused on a newly made carbon that can withstand as much pressure, if not more, than a diamond

We then continued our Acceleration of Everyday Objects activity sheet that we started last class. The first activity we did today involved playing cards and the rate they fell at. We learnt that two playing cards will fall at the same rate because the air resistance on each card is the same. However, when we did the same activity with a playing card and a coin, the coin fell at a faster rate. This is because that while it still had air resistance acting on it, the coins weight or mass overcame the air resistance. The playing card "fluttered" because the air resistance was greater than its weight or mass.

The next activity we did was with a text book and peice of paper. When dropped at seperately, the paper fell at a slower rate than the text book. This is because the air resistance on teh book was overpowered by the books weight. The papers weight, however, did not overcome the air resistance acting on it, causing it to fall at a slower rate. When we tried the same procedure with the paper placed on top of rthe book our results changed. The paper and book fell at the same rate. This is because the book blocked the air resistance from the paper, so the area between the book and paper was similar to a vacuum. A vacuum has no air resistance in it, so objects will fall at the same rate.

We ended class by getting in our groups for our Motion Technology project. We planned what we will do tomorow (or today) to begin our projects.

Next is Melanie.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Acceleration of Everyday Objects Activity

Today in Science we began with the article as usual. We then had about five minutes to finish the activity and questions from the booklet we began yesterday. We then went over the questions as a class together.

The questions we answered were about the activity that involved pushing two coins off the side of a table at the same time using a ruler, and observing whether or not both of the objects landed at the same time. After three trials, we substituted one of the coins for a marble and did the same procedure. When going over the questions as a class, it was determined that the coins should have landed at the same time as well as the coin and marble. This was because the gravity pull was the same on each object as well as the air friction.

We then moved on to the next activity where we put two coins on a folded card, and flicked the card to send one coin fall straight down and the other coin to fly across the room. After three trials we changed one of the coins for a marble and did the same procedure as before. We answered questions about this activity, and then went over them as a class. We discussed that the coins and the coin and marble should have landed at the same time because the initial direction does not matter.

We then did one more activity before the end of class that involved us using a regular piece of paper and a crumpled piece of paper, and dropping both at the same time and height. We did three trials of this, answered questions, and discussed the questions as a class. Each group should have observed that the crumpled piece of paper fell faster because gravity took hold of it faster, and had less air resistance than the regular sheet of paper. Right before the end of class we gave examples of human technology that would apply to this effect, such as a parachute and a sailboat.

Next is Jessica.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Accelleration of Everyday Objects

Today we did the article as per usual.

We then finished up the questions on ticker timer tapes that we started on Thursday. This was when we got to use the ticker timers to produce different speeds and see how it appeared on the ticker timer.

After that, we moved into acceleration of everyday objects by talking about different questions and a little bit of history. We wrapped the class up by starting a series of projects from a booklet.

Next is Amanda

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Ticker Tape Timers

Last class we started off by doing our science journals, we then did a 2 question quiz on calculating speed to see if everyone understands it. Note that it is extremely important to be able to calculate motion in the science curriculum.

After we read an introduction on Ticker Tape Timers, it showed us how they are used and what they do. We learned that they analysis motion. We then did a practice sheet to see if we could tell if the motion was slowing down or accelerating with ticker tape. If the dots are closer together the speed will be fairly slow, and the more distance between the dots means the more speed it has.

By the time we got through the practice sheet it was close to the bell, so we briefly went over a hand out called Motion in Our World- Motion Technology Project and what we will be doing in Fridays class.

Next is Mary…

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Work Period

Last class we reviewed the formula (Vav=d/t) which lets us find the average speed of something, and how to change that formula if we have different variables. We also got eight questions from the textbook that we were to work on.

Today for the majority of the class we worked on the questions we got last day, Once everyone was done we went through the answers together.

We have a quiz on Thursday that is for marks.

Next Is Tori..

Monday 3 October 2011

Average Speed

Last class we learned a formula that allows us to find the average speed of an object or person (Vav=d/t), and we did several examples.

Today in class we reviewed the formula. After that we learnt how to change the way the formula was written when we have different variables for the formula. an example would be we are given an average speed of 5.1km/h and a time of 6.0h, and then we are told to find the distance traveled. We find the distance by going d=(Vav)(t).

We ended the class by going into groups and starting an assignment in the Science 10 textbooks and answering questions 1-7, and 10.

Next is Ashley.

Motion Project Resources

Click here for a list of recommended websites.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Calculating Speed

Last class we went through how to calculate the speed of vehicles in motion by converting seconds into hours and feet into kilometres. Next we calculated the speed by doing the formula V=t/d.
We then learned the formula to calculate the average speed which is Vav=d/t. We did an example where we had to find out Juan's average speed in m/s and km/h. Here is a video to show how to calculate average speed:
This relates to the other topic that we did on observing what kind of motions we saw in the videos of skateboards, car race etc. because we were observing the motion and speed of the vehicles on the road and stating wether Juan's speed or motion was uniform or not.
Next is Aimee