Monday, 14 November 2011

Lab Day and Review

We began class by discussing velocity time graphs and distance time graphs from last week. We discussed what each graph can tell us, such as velocity time graphs showing acceleration from calculating the slope (a=Vf-Vi over the change in time), and that distance time graphs can show the distance the object has travelled, by simply looking up at the graph and reading the data provided. We also received back our tests that we wrote on Wednesday.

We then moved into a lab called Cart Rolling Down an Incline: Is it Constant Acceleration? This involved a table to be lifted slightly using bricks, and a wooden cart. We attached some ticker timer tape to the cart and used the ticker timer to help calculate the acceleration of the cart as it travelled down the table. Using the data from the ticker timers, we put the lab results into a series of tables, which included total distance travelled, displacement, and average speed. The next step is to transfer this data from these tables into a graph.

Next is Zack

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