Today in class we started off by listening to the article presentation. Then we discussed the frog questions from last day. We also talked about how frogs effect our ecosystem, and how they are a major part in more then one food chain and that the frog is a good indicator if an ecosystem is healthy or not.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Frog assignment
In class today we started out reviewing what we did the day before, we then did are presentations from students that we do every day and also read the blog from previous day.
After that we started on an assignment reading about frogs and answering questions from the science 10 textbook. the assingment was on page 10-13 and it expalnded a lot of how frogs are part of our ecosystem and how they are in danger. most of the class finished before class ended.
next is Amy
After that we started on an assignment reading about frogs and answering questions from the science 10 textbook. the assingment was on page 10-13 and it expalnded a lot of how frogs are part of our ecosystem and how they are in danger. most of the class finished before class ended.
next is Amy
Carbon Footprint and Wolves
Today in science we discussed the carbon footprint sheet. We then spent most of the class doing a paragraph on if we think people should be in power of the earth and its environment or if we are just as important as other animals.
After, we discussed the wolf assignment. We figured out that by removing wolves, the coyote population increases while small animal population decreases, elk and deer population increase while plants have been decreases and making more diseases being spread and there is less carcasses which bring less scavengers.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Summary and Review
Today in class we started off by going through all the older blog posts and going through what each one was about and what we learnt for that day.Then the rest of the class we worked on our review sheets. There is a test tomorrow, and you need the review signed.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Lab Day and Review
We began class by discussing velocity time graphs and distance time graphs from last week. We discussed what each graph can tell us, such as velocity time graphs showing acceleration from calculating the slope (a=Vf-Vi over the change in time), and that distance time graphs can show the distance the object has travelled, by simply looking up at the graph and reading the data provided. We also received back our tests that we wrote on Wednesday.
We then moved into a lab called Cart Rolling Down an Incline: Is it Constant Acceleration? This involved a table to be lifted slightly using bricks, and a wooden cart. We attached some ticker timer tape to the cart and used the ticker timer to help calculate the acceleration of the cart as it travelled down the table. Using the data from the ticker timers, we put the lab results into a series of tables, which included total distance travelled, displacement, and average speed. The next step is to transfer this data from these tables into a graph.
Next is Zack
Friday, 4 November 2011
Last class we worked on find the slope of a graph by using the formula rise/run. We applied to some data given to us in booklets.
We learnt about Velocity time graphs today. We perviously learnt about speed time graphs. Time goes along the x axis and velocity goes along the y axis. With velocity time graphs we can determine the displacement of the data, the acceleration, and
the average velocity.
Next is Brodie.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Today we went over the question that you wrote on the board on Monday to start things off. When we were finished, we went over the last question on the sheet 'Slope of an objects Motion'. On this sheet there were graphs that we had to determine the slope of, by using the formula rise/run. When we were done this, we then looked at a curved graph. Then on that same page we did four seperate questions. We then talked about a tangent and how it only touches a part of something on one point.
After that we talked about the difference between average velocity and instiantaneous velocity, and also how they are the same. You then told us to do two questions on the back of that sheet and we looked at thm together.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011

For example:
Point A: Rise/Run= 20/4
We also learned that if the line on the graph is slanting upwards it is becoming postive, and if the line is moving downwards in a slanting motion it is becoming a negitive. But if the line is like Point B, it does not have a slope and it's neiter a positive or negitive.
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