Friday, 30 September 2011

Measuring Motion

Brodie Brown

In class we started by reading an article called "Nature Offers Key Lessons On Harvesting Solar Power, Say Chemists." After that we talked about measuring motion. How do we measure motion and what tools or devices we could use to measure motion? To end the class, we did an experiment with toy cars, meter stick, and a stop watch. With either the wooden car, pull back car or battery powered car, we took a distance and timed how long it would take that car to travel that distance.

Next is Zack

Thursday, 29 September 2011

speeding test

Today in science we finished up yesterdays experiment on the cars. We figured out the average traveling speed of each car and the pull back car was the fastest then the battery car and then last was the wooden car. We then went outside and measuered a stretch of grass beside the highway and we timed how long it took the cars to get from point A to point B and we were in the middle of the calculations when the bell rung.
Next is alicia

Monday, 26 September 2011

Determining significant digits

We looked at Colin’spost. Then we go a handout telling us some rules about significant digits.Absent is when there is no decimal and you start on the right and move lefttill you see the first number between 1-9 and then count to the end. Present iswhen there is a decimal and you start on the left and move right till you seethe first number that is not a 0 and count to the end.
in class today we did a summarization sheet then we did a quiz  on convertiong meserments . then we did another quiz on the same thing.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Converting Units of Measurment

Today in class we went through our understanding concepts sheet with the class and finished questions 2-4. Mr. Banow also gave us a sheet on how to convert units if measurment and move decimal places using the Stair Case and the Ratio Method. After he finished teaching us how to use these methods he gave us questions or examples to do on our own. Once we were all finished the questions we went over it with the class. Towards the end of class Mr. Banow gave the class a sheet with the letters A,B,C,D on it. We used that sheet to do our multiple choice questions. If you would like to know how to convert units of measurment using the Ratio Method click the link. :) http//

Colin is next.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Beginning of Unit Two: Motion in Our World

Today in science we got our Science & Technology tests back and went over them as a class. Then we started our new unit called Motion in Our World by watching a Myth Buster episode. In this episode they tested to see if running or walking threw rain would make a difference on how wet you got. They did two trials, in the first one they tested it by using homemade rain and got the results that running through water would cause you to get more wet. Then after that they did a second trial using real rain because people questioned if the results were accurate or not and they found out that walking through rain cause's you to get more wet. We then started a experiment called Measuring by hand.

Matthew is next .

Friday, 16 September 2011

Finishing the graph

Today in science we finished the graph we started working on yesterday. We learnt that you could put little circles around the dots of your graph if your graph is not 100% accurate. It also is easier for us to make a straight line because you shouldn't actually connect the dots. We learnt that we needed to put the title, axis title, and equivalent numbers on our graph. After we finished our graph we started reading an article about science and technology. The article explains the differences about science and technology.

Next is Jade.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


Today in class we learned about graphs and how they are easier to use then having a big quantity of data. we did an experiment on how fast we could do an activity involving saying something favorite of ours while putting a ball over are heads and then moving it side ways to the next person as quick as we could.We kept track of how many people we had each trial we did and how fast we went.After we finished we started making a graph to represent the data.

Jamie is next

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Tuesday September 13th

In class we discussed the terms for the scientific method. After that we did an experiment to go along with the scientific method. We made predictions about how many drops of water would fit onto a penny, after our guesses we did the experiment to see how close our predictions were, we did 5 trials to see if it was accurate or not. After that we mixed dish soap into the water, we made predictions again of how much water we thought the penny would hold, we did 5 trials for this one as well. To finish this experiment we did an analysis and explained what we saw in our trials.

Science 10 Unit Quiz

There will be a quiz in Science 10 to complete this first unit on the Nature of Science. The Quiz will be in class on Friday, Sept. 16.

The topics are:

Why study science?

What is science?

What is technology?

Applying the Scientific Method: Using the specific steps of the scientific method, explain steps I could follow to fix a specific problem. For example, how could you follow these steps if your computer did not turn on?
i. Ask a Question
ii. Form a Hypothesis
iii. Design an experiment – explain independent, dependent, and controlled variables
iv. Perform the experiment and analyze the results
v. Share the results

Junk Science

Formalized hypotheses


greetings earthlings
